About the Journal

The Journal of Languages, Culture and Civilization (JLCC) is an International peer-reviewed scholarly research Journal published Quarterly by the South Punjab Center for Research and Development, SPCRD Global Publishing, Pakistan. This is a multidisciplinary research journal with a major focus on all the languages, cultures, and civilizations-related issues & problems in all the disciplines of Social Sciences at large. The significant and key feature of this journal is to publish articles in any language. The research article, apart from being submitted in any language, the title and abstract of the paper including keywords will also be in the English Language in addition to the original paper. The JLCC is an open-access journal that is truly open in reading and disseminating quality research in local, national, and international languages, cultures & civilizations of all religions in the world.

The main objective of the journal is to disseminate reliable knowledge and quality research without any barrier of the Language and initiates a debate in an inter and multidisciplinary context, linking different areas of social sciences with the prime focus on the languages, culture, civilization, societies, and guidelines to overcome them based on largely theoretical, empirical and critical research. This journal welcomes research articles in all local, national, and international languages across the societies' cultures, civilizations, and behaviors. This journal is different in that it opens up the constraints of Language on valued and quality research in Social Sciences which may be remained unpublished due to journals’ constraints.

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