An Investigation of Implating of an Ideology Through Lexical Expressions/Choices: A Systematic Functional Linguistics Analysis of Imran Khan’s Speeches


  • Saira Soomro MS Scholar, Center of English Language and Linguistic, Mehran University Jamshoro
  • Shoukat Lohar Assistant Professor, Center of English Language and Linguistic, Mehran University Jamshoro
  • Habibuallah Pathan Professor, Center of English Language and Linguistic, Mehran University Jamshoro



Ideology, Lexical Expressions/Choices, Systematic Functional Linguistics


The study investigates the implanting of an ideology through lexical choices/expressions within the discourse of Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan. An adopted version of systemic functional linguistic is applied to investigate the lexical choice/expressions in order to reveal that how Imran Khan used his choices of words/ expressions in his speeches particularly delivered in General Assembly in the year (2019,2020,2021) respectively. This is carried out through the examination of textual meta-function, Theme and Rhyme, and the types of themes applied in his speeches delivered in United Nations General Assembly respectively. The findings of the study revealed that the Ideational Metafunction have a maximum occurrences and also greater percentage as compared to other Metafunction, as Themes as lexical choices and Lexical entries are an area of study which invites a great deal of attention and concentration on technical grounds. It appeals to researchers and learners to unfold hidden from common perception structures and entries which instill ideology or intention of utterances of the speakers/writers. The most dominant types of themes and rhyme used by Imran Khan in his speeches was Ideational theme, which he delivered at 74TH ,75TH ,76TH sessions 2019,2020,2021 delivered at United Nations General Assembly. The most dominant type of theme found by the researcher in three selected speeches was Ideational theme. In his first speech the researcher found 24(55.81%), secondly number of data found in his second speech which was delivered at United Nations General Assembly 75th session 2020 were 41 in total number out of which 24 (58.53%) was Ideational Theme, Thirdly the total number of data found in his third selected speech which was delivered at United Nations General Assembly 76th session 2021 was 43 in number. Out of which 25(58.13%) was Ideational theme. It means that Imran Khan’s speeches are mostly relying on his suggestions and his way of speaking in public. Moreover, Imran Khan was actor or first 15 pronouns in his every speech. He himself planned what to highlight on International platform. The use of “I”, “we” as first person pronoun and “our” as a possessive pronoun in his speeches, to show his power, ideology and power relations at the International Platform, In addition to it he also used modal adjuncts, conjunctive adjuncts, conjunctions, finite verbs, paratactic, hypotactic conjunction in his three selected speeches.

Author Biographies

Shoukat Lohar, Assistant Professor, Center of English Language and Linguistic, Mehran University Jamshoro



Habibuallah Pathan, Professor, Center of English Language and Linguistic, Mehran University Jamshoro




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How to Cite

Soomro, S., Lohar, S. ., & Pathan, H. . (2022). An Investigation of Implating of an Ideology Through Lexical Expressions/Choices: A Systematic Functional Linguistics Analysis of Imran Khan’s Speeches. Journal of Languages, Culture and Civilization, 4(3), 373-383.