Language Identity of Undergraduate ESL Learners: Understanding role of L1 Identity in English language learning at Undergraduate Level


  • Masroor Chandio MEUT, Jamshoro
  • Dr Shumaila Aijaz Memon Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro
  • Ali Raza Khoso MEUT, Jamshoro



Linguistic identity, Mother tongue, English as second language, linguistic capital, indigenous languages


The study aims to highlight the language identity of undergraduate ESL learners and role of L1 identity in English language learning. Attachment, use of language and encouraging learners` towards their language continuation and vitality efforts are necessary for construction of language identity. In the Pakistani multilingual setting these procedures are vigorously endorsing learners` in representing and constructing their language identities. So for, the current study is mixed method research followed by concurrent triangulation or convergent parallel design suggested by Creswell & Plano Clark (2011). The quantitative data were collected from 200 third and final year undergraduate students of the departments of English, Education and Information Technology studying at Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Shaheed Benazirabad (SBBU, SBA) by using simple random sampling. The collected dada were analyzed by using IBM (SPSS 26th) version. The results were shown in frequency and percentage organized in tabular form and discussed. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews from 8 students studying in 3rd and final year in the department of English at Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Shaheed Benazirabad (SBBU, SBA) by using purposive sampling. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed by using thematic analysis model suggested by Saldna (2009). The findings disclose that learners’ identity is changeable. ESL learners` construct their linguistics identity through use of L1 in ESL classrooms, interaction through code switching and speaking English language with L1 accent. However, they construct L1 identity at their home and hybrid identity at ESL classroom. It is found from the above findings that L1 identity has great impact on English language learning and plays vital role in constructing identity in ESL classrooms.


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How to Cite

Chandio, M., Dr Shumaila Aijaz Memon, & Ali Raza Khoso. (2022). Language Identity of Undergraduate ESL Learners: Understanding role of L1 Identity in English language learning at Undergraduate Level . Journal of Languages, Culture and Civilization, 4(3), 385-396.