On the Structure of Understanding of Foregrounding as a Stylistic Device in the Selected Poems of Haris Khalique


  • Marriam Bashir Assistant Professor, School of English, Minhaj University Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Nazeef Ullah Subject Specialist English, Elementary and Secondary Education Department, KP, Pakistan
  • Samina Rana Associate Professor of English, Higher Education Department, Punjab, Pakistan.




Foregrounding, Graphology, Khalique Haris, Stylistic Analysis


This research paper is an attempt to stylistically analyze the technique of foregrounding through the graphological structures in the selected poems of Haris Khalique. The researcher has used qualitative method and the graphological features including variation in the length of lines, abundant use of comma and other punctuation marks in the two selected poems are qualitatively and descriptively analyzed in the light of foregrounding theory. The findings of the research, in line with the objectives, are that the smart use of graphical features and graphological structures play an important role in bypassing the general norms of grammar and syntax and customary expectations of writings to foreground ideas. The first poem of analysis deals through reminisce with the past trauma of the partition and the subsequent pathetic situation of law and order. While the second poem of analysis deals with the sufferings of common people and their wretchedness due to the menace of terrorism and the apathetic approach of the state machinery towards improving human security. The working emotions, feelings and key concepts in both poems are heavily foregrounded with the help of the graphological structure through the means of sentence length, word order and punctuations.




How to Cite

Bashir, M. ., Ullah, N., & Rana, S. . (2022). On the Structure of Understanding of Foregrounding as a Stylistic Device in the Selected Poems of Haris Khalique. Journal of Languages, Culture and Civilization, 4(4), 411-421. https://doi.org/10.47067/jlcc.v4i4.143