An Onomastic Analysis of Cross-Cultural differences in English Textbooks at Intermediate Level in Punjab
Cultural Differences, Foreign Culture, Indigenous Culture, Onomastic Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis, 3D Model by FaircloughAbstract
The study in hand analyzes the cross-cultural differences found in the selected English textbooks of Intermediate level. It also explores the imbalance of indigenous and foreign cultures in selected English textbooks of Intermediate level. The corpus of two English textbooks of intermediate part-I was used to take different kind of indigenous and foreign proper names to make cross-cultural and onomastic analysis. The researcher applied 3D model of CDA given by Fairclough (1995) to analyze the cultural disparities. The researcher found that Punjab Textbook Board's English textbooks prioritize foreign cultural aspects, potentially eroding students' cultural identity and heritage. It was concluded that Pakistani culture in the textbooks is limited to regional identities, failing to capture the full diversity and richness of the national culture. The study recommends a balanced and inclusive cultural approach in language textbooks; urging curriculum designers, syllabus developers, and instructors to review and revise the content accordingly.
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