The SPCRD Global Publishing is the sole publisher of this journal, JLCC, and assumes the responsibility for all processes and activities necessary for print and online publishing of the content copy sent by the designated member from the Editorial Board. The SPCRD Global Publishing or its management body bears no right to interfere in the nomination of the Editorial Board and their role. Similarly, the SPCRD Global Publishing affirms to NO INTERVENTION POLICY in the editorial process and activities of JLCC thereof.


The prime objective of the publication process is to ensure the academic & research quality and thoroughness of the procedure. The review process is an integral part of the publishing process of the scholarly submissions made to the journal through online submission or journal's email. All papers submitted to the journal undergo various steps of the rigorous double-blind peer-review process by which both reviewer’s and author’s identity is not disclosed to each other to ensure independent review and avoid any potential conflict of interests.

 To meet the growing requirements by authors for an efficient review and publication, the journal has taken appropriate measures to speed up the process yet without compromising on the quality of the publication. The first step is desk review whereby a paper is screened by the editor himself and/or assigned to any member of the Editorial Board. This normally takes 15-20 days after submission of the paper to check the similarity score, appropriateness of the study with the journal's scope and aims. An email will be sent to the corresponding author regarding the decision of this initial screening usually within a month. 

After a paper goes through initial screening successfully, the review process starts by the peers, in the second step, by which it is sent to two reviewers who have experienced academicians in the area of research paper focuses on. These reviewers make comments on originality, contribution, appropriateness of flow of discussion, and references cited in the study. After this step, review reports are sent to all authors of the paper with a letter of acceptance conditioned to fulfillment of revisions in due time or rejection/excuse.

This step usually takes another 30-60 days. The time for evaluation of articles may go a little long in case of unavoidable circumstances or delay due to reviewers. The third step is about sending a revised copy to the copy editors who will observe the proofreading and editing of the paper and their report will be sent to the corresponding author as well. Authors are requested to submit the proofread and edited copy of the paper within 1-3 weeks after which the paper is sent for production. A print copy is sent to the corresponding author on request after publication. The journal has introduced an early online production system by which the advance copy of the paper is published and available online before the hard copy publication.

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
The role and responsibilities of the editorial board are to advise and support the editor of the journal.
The responsibilities of the Editorial Board may include:
• Identifying new topics for commissioning special issues and advising on the direction for the journal-giving feedback on past issues and making suggestions for both subject matter and potential authors.
• Provide content by writing articles and occasional editorial reviews
• Approaching potential contributors
• Help to identify and suggest reviewers with expertise in the relevant area of a research paper and/or provide second opinions on papers (i.e. where there is a conflict between reviewers)
• To ensure the implementation of ethical guidelines envisaged by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
• To identify and resolve conflict of interest using the journal’s policy thereof.
• Identify appropriate conferences for editors to attend
• Endorse the journal to authors, readers, and subscribers and encourage colleagues to submit their best research.
• To handle complaints/grievances by authors, reviewers, or any other external and internal party. 

• To follow COPE’s Codes of conduct and best practice guidelines for academic publishing.

Editorial Policy and Conflict of Interest Policy

The editor will be independent in making decisions of evaluation and will perform his duties without any conflict and personal biasedness. To maintain thoroughness and independence of the review process, the papers are sent to well-established scholars and researchers in the relevant field. The reviewers are different from the Editorial Board Members. The role of Associate Editors is to recommend the potential reviewers for the papers and manage the review process assigned by the Editor.

To avoid conflict of interest, when papers are received from any of the editorial members, the chief editor/editor assigns such paper to the alternate editorial member to manage the review and publication process to maintain independence and neutrality.

Editorial Policy in Ethical and Complaint Processes

The editor is supposed to ensure the implementation of ethical guidelines envisaged by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. Secondly, the editor will also need to handle complaints/grievances by authors, reviewers, or any other external and internal party through the complaint/Grievances Committee independently.

Benefits to Authors 

The following will be the benefits to authors to get a publication with us:

i. Rigorous peer review of your research.

ii. Prompt publishing

iii. Multidispinary audience

vi. High visibility for global exposure